
The source and summit of all Catholic life is the celebration of the Liturgy, popularly known as a ‘public work’ or ‘service in the name of or on behalf of the people’.   Through the Liturgy of the Church, Christ our Redeemer and High Priest continues the work of our redemption in, with and through his Church.  It is the celebration of Divine Worship, the proclamation of the Gospel and active service to our neighbour.
The Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes St Bernadette’s aims to encourage family participation in all aspects of Liturgy and is regarded by many parishioners as providing a welcoming environment for young and old alike.  This is particularly reflected in the popular Children’s Liturgy which is always very well attended
Although the Parish Priest has overall responsibility for planning and celebrating Mass and other liturgical services and of ensuring spiritual formation for the Parish, he is assisted in this role by several support ministries.
The main duties of this group are:
  • Open and lock Church before and after Masses and services.
  • Ensure there are altar breads and altar wine for the Offertory gifts.
  • Ensure items required for Mass are on the credence table and check there are a sufficient number of hosts in the ciborium in the tabernacle.
  • Light Altar Candles and on special occasions light the thurible before Mass.
  • Monitoring and ordering Mass requisites.
  • Welcome parishioners and visitors to Sunday Mass and point out facilities and fire exits.
  • Distribute newsletters and hymn books and tidy away after Mass
  • Arrange for collections to be taken up
  • Organise the Offertory procession
A co-ordinator prepares a Readers’ Rota on a seasonal basis and ensures Readers have a note of dates and times for their ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
  • Assist the priest in distribution of Holy Communion during Mass.
  • One or two also take communion to the sick and housebound.
Children’s Liturgy
This takes place during the 10.30 a.m. Sunday Mass during term time and is led by volunteers who work on a rota system.
Music Ministry
This is led by our Parish Organist and is responsible for:
  • Selection of hymns and sung Mass responses for Sunday.
  • Leading and supporting congregation in singing during Mass.
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