Pro Life


From the moment of conception we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) to know, love and serve God.  From before birth God knows and loves us: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5).   The Church teaches that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.” (Catechism 2270).  In our Archdiocese, Pro-Life covers issues at the beginning and end of life: the unborn, their mothers, the disabled, the aged & dying.

In our Parish we pray for unborn children and their mothers and support pro-life organisations with donations and activities.

Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office

For Pro-Life activities, events and support in our Archdiocese

Pregnancy Support:  Stanton Healthcare (East of Scotland)

Stanton Healthcare offers alternatives to abortion, advice and practical help to women who need support in continuing with their pregnancy. Support is available throughout pregnancy and after each baby is born too. All services are free.

Adoption services:  St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society

St Margaret’s provides adoption services across Scotland within the framework of the Catholic faith.

Post Abortion care:  Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline (ARCH)

ARCH offers real understanding, counselling and supportive help to women, men and families after an abortion.  All services are offered confidentially, compassionately, without judgement and free of charge

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